Ok, I don't often NOT understand what I'm seeing in my Apache logs, but this
is one of those times: (IPs removed to protect the innocent).

<SOME IP> - - [20/Aug/2002:02:32:01 -0400] "GET /_blnk.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 56
"<MY SITE>" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows

What the heck is all of that at the end?  Is that a Pentium III ID string or

Also, am I correct in assuming that this (and the address isn't changed
because I think he's NOT innocent)

adsl212-115.advancedsl.com.ar - - [15/Aug/2002:19:54:58 -0400] "GET
http://cpcug.org/scripts/env.cgi HTTP/1.0" 404 275 "-" "Mozilla/3.0

was an attempt to use my proxy to redirect an attack at CPCUG.org?  If so,
since this is in the ACCESS log and this

[Thu Aug 15 19:54:58 2002] [error] [client] File does not
exist: /var/www/html/scripts/env.cgi

was in my error log, am I safe in assuming he did NOT succeed?  Or should I
look more closely at this?

Bill Ward

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