A search of list archives (at redhat.com) for "sound driver" yields "no hits".

Please forward any messages you might have on the subject.


At 02:52 AM 8/21/02, Patrick Beart wrote:
>At 8:43 PM -0400 8/20/02, Frank Bax wrote:
>>I have an ASUS TUV4x motherboard that has integrated sound.
>>I've installed RedHat 7.3 and get the following message after I logon:
>>Sound server informational message:
>>Error while initializing the sound driver:
>>device /dev/dsp can't be opened (No such device)
>>The sound server will continue, using the null output device.
>>Any suggestions to resolve this would be appreciated.
>         I've posted on this twice in the last month or so. Please check 
> the archives, or E-mail me privately.
>Patrick Beart

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