From: "Scott Skrogstad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I know that there are products out there that I can use to protect the
> server and one or two email accounts but I am using my mail server to
> serve 2000 customers.  I need virus protection that will protect all of
> them incoming and outgoing.
> Any good suggestions.??

I'm using Postfix as MTA (, which I've found being much more
faster, secure and configurable than sendmail, it never falls down..

for virus scanning I'm using amavisd ( as content filter with
Mc Affee's uvscan antivirus for Linux
Amavisd supports lots of antivirus programs, check on their webpage..
it can also be used with sendmail, exim and maybe others, check the page

if not, on Postfix's page in the section "Add-on Software " there are
Panda Antivirus has also a mail virus scanner for Postfix which you can
download from their page..



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