> On 05-Sep-2002/18:17 -0500, Mike Burger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >On Thu, 5 Sep 2002, Anthony E. Greene wrote:
> >> The govt could help in this case. Something simple like requiring valid
> >> return addresses and honoring requests for removal would go a long way.
> >> Enabling recipients and ISPs to sue would also help. Most of these clowns
> >> are spamming to make money. The best way to affect their behavior is to
> >> affect their profits.
> >
> >That might work...if all the spammers were based here in the States.
> ...or based in the same country as the recipient, and assuming that country
> has anti-spam laws similar to what I described.
You might also note that a lot of the spammers are using *relays* elsewhere 
in the world...but if they have a Web site for you to go to, and it's *here*, 
you could sue 'em *here*.

Certified lunatics are shut up because of their 
proneness to violence when their pretensions are 
questioned; the uncertified variety are given the 
control of powerful armies, and can inflict death 
and disaster upon all sane men within their reach.
    --Bertrand Russell, Power [1938] ch.16

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