On Fri, 2002-09-06 at 09:48, deosaran bisnath wrote:
> Now I know this is basic but ...as you may realize from my questions, I am 
> at the basic level in this stuff
> man tar isn't too revealing, as is all or most man pages, which are 
> sometimes cryptic, provides little or no examples, is outdated.. but it's 

gzip generally compresses better than zip, so to answer your subject:
tar.gz is probably better than zip

If you want a simple example of the most common use, assume that you
have a directory "stuff" that you want to tar up:

tar zcf stuff.tar.gz stuff

That is, tar should:  gzip compress the archive 'z', create a new
archive 'c', the archive should be called stuff.tar.gz (as it follows
the 'f' argument directly, that's important), and should be composed of
the remaining arguments on the command line:  stuff.

To extract the archive:

tar zxf stuff.tar.gz

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