09/06/2002 at 07:10 AM,
   "Fifield, Mike" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>I am trying to install GD2 and upgrade php to version 4.2.2 but am very
>new to linux and am not sure what I am doing wrong. I have redhat7.3
>installed and when I run "./configure -all, make, make install" it looks
>like everything ran ok but then I check what version of GD / php is
>installed and it is still the old version. My first question is, is there
>a rpm for GD2 somewhere that can be used on redhat7.3, and if there is
>not is there a good tutorial somewhere on how to install / upgrade
>packages on redhat when there is now rpm available. 

Look for a program called "checkinstall".  It's a wrapper for 'make
install' and will create an RPM as well as update the RPM database.  I now
never look for RPMs, I look for source and build it.  No more dependency

Steve Garcia   using MR/2 ICE #10133 with Warp 4  
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