i did much the same thing in perl
  (see attached)
i'm not a mac fan
so i called it "antimac" :)

it should take a file that's been polluted with mac carraige-returns (\r in
perl) and replace it all with (\n)'s.

daniel a. g. quinn
starving programmer

the more law and order are made prominent,
the more thieves and robbers there will be.
 - lao-tsu

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 06, 2002 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: More on apples text files

| 09/06/2002 at 09:48 AM,
|    Blake Thornton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
| >I'm running into problems with sharing text files between macs and my
| >linux machine.  The problem seems to be that on linux my text files have
| >end of lines (\n) and on the mac text files have something else (shown as
| > '^M' when I look at it in Linux).  Maybe there are other problems too,
| >but  this seems to be one.  Anyone run into this before and found a
| >solution?
| Unix uses linefeeds at the end of each line.  Macs use a carriage return
| at the end of each line.  DOS and its derivatives use a carriage
| return-linefeed pair.
| The ^M is the the <CR> from the Mac.  You'll see that with DOS files too.
| To switch back and forth between DOS and Unix there are a set of utilities
| (dos2unix and unix2dos) that will fix these up for you.  I have around
| here (somewhere) a script that I found on the net somewhere called
| mac2unix that converts the <CR>s to <LF>s.  Don't know about going the
| other way, should be able to rewrite the script to do that.
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Attachment: antimac.pl
Description: Binary data

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