** Reply to message from daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Sat, 07 Sep 2002 02:43:37 -0700

> in my rc.firewall script i have the following two lines:
> iptables -A OUTPUT -o $EXT_INTERFACE -p tcp \ -m multiport \
>   --syn -j REJECT
> iptables -A INPUT  -o $EXT_INTERFACE -p tcp -m multiport \
>   --syn -j DROP
> but for some reason, they're not working.
> instead, i'm met with the error:
>   iptables v1.2.7 invalid TCP port/service `2049:2000:1080:3128' specified
>   Try `iptables -h' or 'iptables --help' for more information
> a googling for the problem came up with "it's a bug, or a feature, i don't
> know".  so which is it?  and what's the best way to get around it?  do i
> have to make up a rule for each port?

The -m multiport match is protocol-specific, working only with tcp or udp. So be 
specific in your rules and add "-p tcp" to your rules. Also, it may just be an 
artifact of your mailer, but you do not need the first "\" before -m in the above 


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