Im having problems installing redhat 6.1, i bought it the other day and came to install it after reading the install guide, i am installing on a n amd k62 500 with a ten gig hdd an asus 52X cdr and 128 mb of ram and a 2mb cirrus logic graphics card, no sound card or modem yet, my problems start virtually imeadiatly, it says in the manual that when performing a workstation install that a gui should appear and there are pictures in the bookof this however i get a different set of images coming up more reminissent of a dos based environment, also i dont get the option of automatically partitioning my hard drive when i perform a workstation install, i have however had that option on a server based install. it seems to have installed correctly as a server install but i cant get it to boot into the os theres just a command prompt. being a windoze 2kpro user im unaware of what to do next. any ideas or suggestions gratefully recieved, thanks!!!!

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