Pre-preface: I solved certain problems while writing this email so there 
may be some inconsistencies.

Preface: I have to say I'm a little disappointed in the consistency of 
some of the packages as installed in 7.3.   The file points 
to /var/test/majordomo, apaches /doc/, as shipped, gives a "forbidden" 
error, mailman files are owned by root instead of mailman and is not 
integrated into apache to work, and maybe, just maybe, if you're doing an 
expert install the system shouldn't put in aliases for cp, mv, and rm.

So on my Red Hat 7.1 system I'm replacing, I had several mailing lists in 
majordomo.  I moved them over to the new box, and updated the new, and am getting the following errors when sending mail to any 
list, or even evoking a majordomo command:

Message delivered to mailing list majordomo
Illegal command: majordomo
554 5.3.0 unknown mailer error 6
Message delivered to mailing list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Illegal command: resend
554 5.3.0 unknown mailer error 6
Message delivered to mailing list owner-geek

The "Illegal command:" seems to be the problem.

./wrapper config-test indicates I have all the files set up correctly, and 
that HOME=/usr/lib/majordomo correctly.  resend and majordomo and friends 
are in that directory, yet I still get this error.

OK, so that's majordomo.  I have mailman installed too, and thought about
moving to that, but the documentation seems insufficient for me here too.  
I set up the config file, and check_perms indicates all is well there
(after I fixed it from root.root, as the package installed it, which was
wrong), and put the Include in httpd.conf, but I'm lost at what exactly is
supposed to get loaded when I browse  I
can't find any index documents there, and I can't find anything in the
documentation on how to configure apache to point it at something.  I 
finally found from the GNU website that it's hostname.tld/mailman/admin, 
but without a file extension and no man pages, this is far from obvious


Now for my current state: I have figured out, from a clue in an article in
SysAdmin magazine
(, that mailman
*also* uses the command "wrapper" to execute commands, so majordomo was
trying to send majordomo commands to mailman's wrapper.  WTF!?!?!  I
cannot fathom the reason why these two packages would choose the same
arbitrary name for this one file which must be in /etc/smrsh/, making them
mutually exclusive, but I realize that is beyond the scope of this list.

But Red Hat put these packages together, and set up the package 
dependencies.  You would think it would prevent you from installing the 
second without uninstalling the first if they cannot coexist.

I still might have figured this out in less than three hours of 
hacking, though, if the included documentation was better.

So moral of the story is that majordomo and mailman cannot coexist as 
installed.  I haven't tried it, but I suppose it would be possible to 
rename one of the wrappers to something else, as long as the sendmail 
alias files are changed to match.  Anybody try this?

Sorry, I just hadta rant.

DDDD   David Kramer         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
DK KD  Some people have told me they don't think a fat penguin really 
DKK D  embodies the grace of Linux, which just tells me they have never seen 
DK KD  an angry penguin charging at them in excess of 100mph. They'd be a 
DDDD   lot more careful about what they say if they had.      Linus Torvalds

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