you can set ip forwarding in your computer by making the following change
in the file /etc/sysctl.conf
    net.ipv4_forward = 1

you might want to check your routing table and see if it has been set
according to your needs.


On Thu, 12 Sep 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> 09/11/2002 at 09:44 PM,
>    Rupesh Moharana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
> >       Can any one please help me to setup a dual NIC
> >gateway using linux os. I have tow ip address one is
> >for Global internet (etho) and another is for my local
> >intranet (eth1). My problem is using the network
> >configuration utility i have configured every
> >parameter for the global IP address in eth0.
> >IP Address.
> >Subnet mask.
> >default gateway.
> Look in /etc/sysconfig
> The file 'network' will contain your default route (gateway). The
> network-scripts directory will contain the startup scripts for each
> interface, ifcfg-eth0 and ifcfg-eth1.  These contain all the pertinent
> info for IP addres, subnet mask, etc for the appropriate interface.
> >DNS 1 ip address
> >DNS 2 ip address.
> Look at /etc/resolv.conf.  This is your DNS resolver file, and that's
> where you specify your DNS servers.
> You'll also need to set up IP Forwarding.  Normally this is done by
> `echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ivp4/ip_forward`
> But that only sticks until the next reboot, by which time you will have
> completely forgotten about it.  (Might be months or years from now.)  That
> means the command needs to be in a startup script somewhere.  If you don't
> have ip_forward set, you won't get communication in one interface and out
> the other.
> >but it looks it is not taking the default gateway and
> >DNS entry to successfully ping other internet side. I
> >am able to ping my local hosts using the eth1. So what
> >i am thinking i need to modify some network file
> >manually for the Default Gateway and DNS setting. I
> >had resolved the some before by manually modifying the
> >files but now i forget the name of that files as well
> >as the format. Please help regarding the same. I am
> >using RedHat7.3
> --
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