* Gordon Messmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-09-18  1:08am]:
> On Tue, 2002-09-17 at 17:08, Mark wrote:
> > On Monday 16 September 2002 11:24 am, Peter Horst's voice rose above 
> > the ones in my head and declared:
> > 
> > > I'm trying to enter a longish sequence of commands in bash 2.05 (RH
> > > 7.2, gnome-terminal, $TERM=xterm); after I've entered around 50
> > > characters, the command line wraps back onto itself, overwriting its
> > > own beginning. The behavior when I access the command line history
> > > with C-p or the up-arrow is even less satisfactory. Is this bash,
> > >readline, gnome-terminal, or none of the above?
> > 
> > The problem you've got, which I've seen on my system, is that you've made
> > the shell window too wide. narrow the width to around 80 columns, and it'll
> > wrap correctly.
> I think that the problem actually occurs when you resize your terminal
> while running a curses-based application.  For instance, say you're
> running emacs (or vi...) in a terminal and resize the window to see the
> wide lines of text better.  Emacs will capture information regarding the
> resize, and re-draw its own borders and text in the new terminal size. 
> However, the shell knows nothing of this, since it's not in control of
> the terminal when you resize the window.  When you exit emacs, the
> terminal is no longer in the state expected by the shell.  The solution,
> then, would be to always resize your terminals when you're at a shell
> prompt, or to configure your application launcher to tell the terminal
> to be bigger in the first place:
> gnome-terminal --geometry 110x35

Bingo. It didn't even register, when I wrote my initial query, that I
had resized the terminal window. Pretty spiffy diagnostics. Thanks very

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