On Fri, 2002-09-20 at 21:14, ebinc wrote:
> Hi Im trying to create and start a cron job
> the comand is
> 0  0  *  *  * /home/virtual/site3/fst/var/www/cgi-bin/reminder.cgi
> send_reminders
> I have Ensim on a Red Hat 7.2 the user I want to run under is EBINC
> Can somone explain and show exactly what I should type step by step using
> ssh for a user named ebinc
> I'm logged in as root I entered crontab u ebinc -e please help from here?
> Ed

that should work as log as you use a -u instaed of a u in the crontab
command line.  Alternatively you can run it in the system crontab file
/etc/crontab.  to do that you will need to insert the username in front
of the path to the command like so:

0  0  *  *  * ebinc /home/virtual/site3/fst/var/www/cgi-bin/reminder.cgi

you could also create a text file with the existing crontab lines in it,
add the new line and then use crontab -u ebinc filename to give it to

assume that you have a file with the desired crontab entry in it called
reminder.crontab.  you could then do something like:

crontab -u ebinc >crontab.listing
cat reminder.crontab >>crontab.listing
crontab -u ebinc crontab.listing



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