Another problem on one of our somewhat exotic setups:

I just tried connecting a Red Hat 7.3 box to the keyboard and monitor via 
a switchbox (combined screen/mouse/keyboard; mice still connected directly 
due to lack of appropriate cables), where a different workstation - an old 
SGI O2 - is also connected.

Now, when booting with the Linux box active, everything would work fine. I 
could then switch to the SGI, and discovered no problems there either. 
However, when I switched back to the Linux box again, problems started 
occurring; the keyboard setup got messed up somehow. I could still type 
normal characters, but:
1. Alt/Ctrl combinations - including attempts to switch to a different VT 
via Ctrl+Alt+Fkey - failed.
2. Arrow keys did not work.
3. Auto repeat appeared to be switched off.
4. Caps Lock, Num Lock etc. had no effect.
5. Messages like

Sep 23 13:51:28 ringerike kernel: keyboard: unrecognized scancode (71) - 
Sep 23 13:51:32 ringerike last message repeated 4 times
Sep 23 13:51:33 ringerike kernel: keyboard: unrecognized scancode (5e) - 
Sep 23 13:51:34 ringerike last message repeated 3 times

were added to system log.

I got the same behaviour in text mode and under X, and found no way out 
except to reboot. I also tried again several times, with the same results.

Any idea why this happened?

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