You need to check that the tnsnames.ora file on both the server and client
machines contains an entry for test1.
First run the command lsnrctl status from the user
that installed oracle.  It should show you if the listener is running.
If it is running, and you have a correct tnsnames.ora on the client, 
things should
You can also make sure that the tcp/ip is working fine by
ping server-ip-address from the client machine.
Where server-ip-address is the ip address of the server.
If the ping is unsuccessful, you first need to sort out the network issue
before testing oracle further.

On Fri, 27 Sep 2002, Ravi Narwade wrote:

> thanks Willem
> i tried sqlplus scott/tiger@test1 on server but it doesnt work and gives 
> adn error ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name
> when i tried to reconfigute the listener configuration by using the netca 
> it says 
>  Listener start failed. Listener may already be running
> so what i have to do now?
> On Fri, 27 Sep 2002, Willem van der Walt<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > what does the listener status tell you about
> > the activity of the listener and what does the listener log say?
> > Use lsnrctl status to check.
> > Can you connect from the server itself to:
> > sqlplus scott/tiger@test1
> > 
> > On Fri, 27 Sep 2002, Ravi Narwade wrote:
> > 
> > > 
> > > hi everybody
> > > i have installed oracle 9i as server on redhat 7.3 its working properly 
> > > and also i nstalled oracle 9i as client on redhat 7.3 on another machine, 
> > > the net assistant configuration shows the connectivity between server and 
> > > client is successful. but wnen i am goint to try login from client as 
> > > scott/tiger@test1 it doesnt work it just stop. test1 is the service name.
> > > so please help to find out he soluton this prob.
> > > 
> > > ravi
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > 

Willem van der Walt
Information Services Directorate
Department of Health
South Africa
tel: 27 12 3120700

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