And now a re-run of one of last weeks problems... I have some more information now, though, but still no idea about how to resolve the issue.
We have a PC running Red Hat 7.3 that shares keyboard, mouse and monitor with a different system via a manual switchbox. PC1 : Keyboard/mouse/monitor connection of Linux system PC2 : Keyboard/mouse/monitor connection of an old SGI O2 Input: Keyboard, mouse and monitor originally from SGI setup The problem: Under certain circumstances, the keyboard input on the Linux system ends up in a state where characters can be typed, but: 1. Alt key has no effect 2. Arrow keys don't work 3. Auto repeat is disabled This happens when (assuming PC1 is active and working as expected initially): 1. Switch to PC2 2. Press arrow key(s) 3. Switch to PC1 - or - 1. Switch to PC2 2. Hold down a key until auto repeat is triggered 3. Switch to PC1 It does not happen if I: 1. Switch to PC2 2. Wait... 3. Switch to PC1 - or - 1. Switch to PC2 2. Type something 3. Switch to PC1 I have tried with different keyboards and also changed the keyboard type using anaconda --reconfig all with the same result. Does anyone understand what is going on here? -- - Toralf -- redhat-list mailing list unsubscribe mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=unsubscribe