And now a re-run of one of last weeks problems... I have some more 
information now, though, but still no idea about how to resolve the issue.

We have a PC running Red Hat 7.3 that shares keyboard, mouse and monitor 
with a different system via a manual switchbox.

PC1  : Keyboard/mouse/monitor connection of Linux system
PC2  : Keyboard/mouse/monitor connection of an old SGI O2
Input: Keyboard, mouse and monitor originally from SGI setup

The problem:

Under certain circumstances, the keyboard input on the Linux system ends 
up in a state where characters can be typed, but:
1. Alt key has no effect
2. Arrow keys don't work
3. Auto repeat is disabled

This happens when (assuming PC1 is active and working as expected 

1. Switch to PC2
2. Press arrow key(s)
3. Switch to PC1

- or -

1. Switch to PC2
2. Hold down a key until auto repeat is triggered
3. Switch to PC1

It does not happen if I:

1. Switch to PC2
2. Wait...
3. Switch to PC1

- or -

1. Switch to PC2
2. Type something
3. Switch to PC1

I have tried with different keyboards and also changed the keyboard type 
        anaconda --reconfig
all with the same result.

Does anyone understand what is going on here?

- Toralf

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