On Thu, Oct 03, 2002 at 09:43:22AM -0600, Trevor wrote:
> Would it be possible to share your script with me (and the list)?  I run
> software raid and have been looking for an effective way to monitor my
> mirrored raid drives.

Try the following:

This is a very simple utility for Linux systems that use software raid
disks.  It seems to work for me, but it is without warranty,
understand how it works and what you are doing, use it at your own

Because software raid can survive a disk dying, you might never know
about it.  Raidcheck is my attempt to automatically find out if there
is a problem.  The pseudo-file /proc/mdstat tells of raid
status--including whether anything has gone wrong, such as a disk
failure, raidcheck watches for changes in this pseudo-file.

If you want to do this too, once your raid is working correctly, do
the following as root:

  # mkdir /etc/raidcheck.d

Put the file you are reading now in "/etc/raidcheck.d" as

Save the following as "/etc/raidcheck.d/raidcheck":

------ begin "/etc/raidcheck.d/raidcheck" after this line ------

# This file is part of raidcheck, to learn more see
# /etc/raidcheck.d/readme.txt
# When your raid is working correctly, make a note of it with:
#  # cp /proc/mdstat /etc/raidcheck.d/mdstat.reference

diff /etc/raidcheck.d/mdstat.reference /proc/mdstat \
  || diff -Nu /etc/raidcheck.d/mdstat.reference /proc/mdstat \
  | mail root -s "RAID Status Changed on `hostname`"

------ end "/etc/raidcheck.d/raidcheck" before this line ------


  # chmod 755 /etc/raidcheck.d/raidcheck
  # cp /proc/mdstat /etc/raidcheck.d/mdstat.reference
  # cp /etc/raidcheck.d/raidcheck /etc/cron.daily/raidcheck

To see if it works:

  # /etc/cron.daily/raidcheck

You should not get an e-mail.  Edit /etc/raidcheck.d/mdstat.reference
making some change.  Try again:

  # /etc/cron.daily/raidcheck

This time you should get an e-mail.  If you want to be really
thorough, stop here until tomorrow morning.  At that point you should
have another e-mail waiting for you.

Once you are sure your new cron job is working, look at /proc/mdstat
and make sure it still looks OK (it is up to you to figure out that),
then undo your test:

  # cp /proc/mdstat /etc/raidcheck.d/mdstat.reference

Done.  Now, if there is a raid problem (or any change in raid
configuration), an e-mail will be sent to root (or some other address)
once a day (every day--to remind you).  If you want to send this
e-mail to someone other than root, edit /etc/cron.daily/raidcheck,
find where it says "root", change it to something else.  Also, make
sure cron is running (it should be on a reasonable system).

Once you get an e-mail, you will have to look into the technical and
groady details of raid to figure out what when wrong (if anything),
and fix it.  Maybe you get to buy and install a new disk drive.

Once you have things working again, make a new reference:

  # cp /proc/mdstat /etc/raidcheck.d/mdstat.reference

You should quit getting daily e-mails until something goes wrong

Resist the temptation to "improve" this script and make it any
fancier.  It is simple, and therefore likely to work and unlikely
break else.  It is hard to add redunancy in such a way that things are
actually more reliable but this simple version seems to accomplish the
task.  The most complicated thing here is the instructions.
Understand them, don't just follow them blindly.

Kent Borg
e-mail: "kentborg", that at-sign thingie, "borg", a period, then "org".
3 October 2002

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