On Friday 04 October 2002 11:30 pm, Joe Giles is done writ:

I have been using Linux for 3 or 4 years and the one thing that I have
always had problems with is making the Joystick driver. I got the latest
driver and unpack it. then when I type make, I get all kinds of errors. If
you need to see them, let me know and I will paste it to the next message.
Question 1: did you build the kernel yourself, or just install it? The reason 
I ask this is to find out if you know whether or not the kernel has support 
for the joystick.

Question 2: do you have either compiled-in or modular support for a joystick 

I *think* these are relevant questions. I don't use a joystick, but when I 
compiled the alsa driver for my soundcard (I have an old, but perfectly good 
so far as I'm concerned, ISA, PNP card), I appear to have gotten the game 
port support, as well.
Next,  I see that there's still discussion of trying to get a CD burner 
running. I posted my response weeks ago, and have no clue if anyone paid any 
attention, but: I have a Sony X100, I think it is, and what I have in my 
/etc/modules.conf for this is:

alias scd0 sr_mod
pre-install ide-scsi    /sbin/modprobe ide-cd
pre-install sg          /sbin/modprobe ide-scsi
pre-install sr_mod      /sbin/modprobe ide-scsi
David Busby writes, asking about permissions, so here's more:

drwxr-xr-x    4 mark     users        4096 Jan 30  2002 .xmms/
These are your permissions. Read them left to right.
The 'd' says this is a directory. A dash means it's a file.
The first w says that the file/directory owner has write permission.
The first x says that the file/directory owner has execute permission.
    NOTE that without execute permission, you cannot cd into the directory.
The first r says that the file/directory owner has read permission.

Now, the second set is whether anyone in mark's group, users, has write, 
execute, or read permission. 

The third set says whether anyone else in the world who can log onto this 
machine can do any of those things.

The file owner is mark. The group he's in is users.

Is that all clear?

Now, first, MAKE YOURSELF A USER ID, and DON'T run as root, if you are.
Next, to change the ownership of the user and group at the same time, do
chown mark:users <filename>
Now that you own it, you can set permissions. User should have all, and you 
decide about everyone else. To set it so that you, and anyone in your group 
can do whatever, but no one else can, you'd enter:
chmod u+w,u+x,u+r,g+w,g+x,g+r <filename>
Usually, you don't need to set *everything*. If you do, there's always the 
octal method (like hexadecimal, but half that...<g>):
chmod 770 <filename>
Use man chmod and info chmod for more details.

Finally, for the SAMBA problem - the first question is, what is the "shared 
printer" hanging off of, a Linux box, a M$ box, or is it on the network with 
its own IP?


"The very powerful and the very stupid have one thing 
 in common.  Instead of altering their views to fit the 
 facts, they alter the facts to fit their views...which 
 can be very uncomfortable if you happen to 
 be one of the facts that needs altering." - Doctor Who

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