Steve wrote:

> When I click on a link in an email message withing Evolution, it trys to
> launch a new copy of Mozilla, even if I already have Mozilla running. 
> This is annoying, because Mozilla asks me to create a new profile, and
> if I don't it won't launch.  How do I get links to open in the existing
> Mozilla instance?

I had that problem, when I started using KMail. It's not that easy to find 
how to do it, but it's simple enough, once you know the answer:
   Pull up Control Center->file browsing->file associations->text
   Now, for html, shml, etc, select each one, and set it so that mozilla is 
the browser (you may have to add mozilla, but the entry will be identical to 
all the others with the parameters after the command), and use the move up to 
make sure that Mozilla's at the top.

And on another note:
lör 2002-10-12 klockan 21.06 skrev Ed Wilts:

> First of all, it's Windows, not Winblows.  Treat the OS names with
> respect.  I happen to be in a good mood today or I would have junked
> your posting just because of that.  Just because you're on a Red Hat
> list, don't insult the rest.

Beg pardon? You are suggesting that the o/s from Redmond *deserves* respect? 
Why, just 'cause they have the market and the money?

It certainly can't be for any technical or efficiency reasons.

*If*, for example, they'd have added at *least* foreground/background 
multitasking and virtual memory in DOS 3.0 or 3.1, rather than waiting for 
Windows (tm), and shoving them into the windowing system, *then* they'd get 
some respect. DOS was ok. Even Win 3.1 I could live with.

However...until Lose95, I had *never* in my life dreamed that *anyone* would 
offer an o/s where, with at least 60% of the problems, the answer was 
"re-install the operating system". Only sheer, unadulterated corporate 
managerial ignorance, and self-important refusal to accept the advice of the 
technical staff allowed the Evil Empire from Redmond to do what it has done 
to the market. 

Would *you* buy any other piece of software, or, for that matter, any other 
*product*, that failed that frequently? How about a set of shelves that 
regularly collapsed, and once or twice a year had to have new holes drilled 
in it, to bolt it back together?
It's trash. I've used it at work, and so that I was viable in the 
marketplace. Then I got to Unix, and really don't want to do any major moves 
back, given the reliability and capabilities. The best satirical version of 
their name was for a product whose time has come and gone - LoseMe.

> Darn, then I need to be careful not to refer to IE as "Internet Exploder" 
> again...

Better be careful about Internet Exploder Virusspreader 5.5, or LookOut 
Express.... <g>


Message to Ashcroft:
"Necessity is the plea for every infringement of 
human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is 
the creed of slaves." William Pitt, 1783 

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