LANG=c fixed my man page problems...

However, I still have problems with applications like NTSYSV and what not.

A border line in NTSYSV (-----) is displayed as �q|��

Like the man page problem, NTSYSV is only jacked up in SSH connections.

Any ideas???


On Monday, Oct 14, 2002, at 05:41AM, David Holden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>see the post about setting LANG=c, also if you have konqueror on you can
>put man:/command  where command is the command you want and konqueror
>will display it nicely.
> dave.
>On Wed, 2002-10-09 at 18:59, Frazier, Ben wrote:
>> I've been beating my head on this for a couple of days now and haven't got anywhere.
>> I started off upgrading an RH7.3 box to RH8.0.  The upgrade went to hell in a hand 
>basket so I formatted the drives and did a fresh RH8.0 install.  Now I've got 
>everything back to be functional but my man pages aren't working correctly.  Yes I've 
>uninstalled/reinstalled them.
>> Doing a man on anything comes up with what looks like ANSI characters that aren't 
>properly formated.  This happens when pulling up man pages at the local console 
>(text), in X, and when remotely shelled in to the box.
>> Here's an example from man rpm: 
>> rpm {�q|��query} [select�options] [query�options]
>> I know those characters are trying to bold certain letters.  I've tried installing 
>different fonts, changing terminal settings, etc, and I'm at a total loss.
>> Does anybody have any suggestions?
>> Thanks.
>> Ben
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