Sorry, missed the original post.

On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, Hitesh Ashar wrote:

> On Tuesday 15 Oct 2002 21:28, Michael Sorrentino wrote:
> > I have never seen this before but I've traced the problem down to inodes. I
> > kept getting messages I was out of space in /var. A df showed me:
> > Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> > /dev/hda5             980M  127M  803M  14% /var
> >
> > Looks ok to me. A few searches in google, I came up with the problem. A
> > df-i shows:
> >
> > Filesystem            Inodes   IUsed   IFree IUse% Mounted on
> >
> > /dev/hda5             127744  127402     342  100% /var
> >
> > I've tried to find some documentation on how to clear the inodes but I
> > can't seem to locate any. Any ideas anyones? Thanks

Do you have Mailman installed?  The Mailman RPM distributed with RH7.3 has
a bug in its logrotate script that would exponentially proliferate files
in /var/log/mailman.  If you see a huge number of small or empty files in
that directory, delete them all, upgrade to the errata Mailman RPM, and
continue on your merry way.  It's possible that some other logrotate
script has the problem, but I haven't seen any other broken ones in the
distribution in a while.

                Matthew Saltzman

Clemson University Math Sciences

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