On Fri, 18 Oct 2002 08:06:41 +1300, Roland Hill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>Trying to automount, I have added this line to auto.master:
>/mount file /etc/auto.mount --timeout 180
So you created a /mount dir and are not using /mnt, right? This is because
/mnt would not be advisable for automount.

>My auto.mount file has:
>smb1 -t smbfs, -o password=XXX ://server/share
why not follow examples in /etc/auto.misc?
smb1 -fstype=smb,password=XXX ://server/share
Try =smb and =smbfs

>After an autofs restart, then getting the following status:
>/usr/sbin/automount --timeout 180 /mount file /etc/auto.mount
>Yet the share has not mounted, with the key of smb1 not being "visible".
This is normal behavior. They are mounted when you use them and smb1 is not
visible until you try to access it.
ie: do
ls /mount/smb1  (blindly)
and see if it gets mounted (look into /var/log/messages for errors).


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