Alan Peery wrote:

> Rinaldo Catroque Bersi wrote:
> >Hi,
> >
> >Anybody know a software to synchronize the clocks in
> >PCs using Linux in a serial net as RS485? I know the
> >NTP but I need use in serial.
> >
> >
> >
> NTP works because there are two components (your machine and the NTP
> server) and transport (TCP/IP, specifically the NTP protocol).  To do
> this over RS485, you would need to identify something on the serial
> network that will provice the time.  I don't know of any generic device
> that does so.
> Out of curiosity, what are you planning on your Linux device with RS485?
>  Are you trying to control or monitor other hardware?
> Alan

I planning use the Linux to control and monitor other hardware with a serial
protocol. I use a kind of protocol that are able to encapsulate the
synchronizer of time and than I have wanted integrated this.

Rinaldo (Isaque)

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