By default you end up in the vi editor.
It is the clasic unix text editor.
I use an editor called joe
but that is not installed by default on rh.
Pico is installed and that is easyer to use than vi for me.
before you say crontab -e, first do:
export EDITOR=pico
and enter.
then do crontab -e and you will go into pico.
you can then enter a line like:
10 16 * * * /usr/bin/command
and then save (^x) 
regards, Willem

On Tue, 22 Oct 2002, ebinc wrote:

> Hi List
> Im trying to run a cron job for the first time (newbe)
> I log in as root and enter crontab -e
> I get a screen like this
> ~
> ~
> ~/temp/crontab.24249
> but I cant seem to enter the info anywhere
> if anyone can help please respond thanks
> Ed

Willem van der Walt
Information Services Directorate
Department of Health
South Africa
tel: 27 12 3120700

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