On Thu, 2002-10-24 at 17:22, Yung H Loh/cis/evp/Okstate wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I am a newbie. I have just installed RedHat 8.0 and I could not get the 
> dhclient to start automatically everytime the machine reboot. I made sure 
> that the ifcfg-eth0 file has entry:
> bootproto=dhcp
> What else should I do?

I think more information is needed.  What happens when the boot sequence
trys to bring the interface up?  You should be able to look in
/var/log/messages and search for eth0

I usually use less to do this since less is more than more :)  
from the command line do: 
less /var/log/messages

once your are in the file, type /eth0, hit n until you see the error

use your mouse to cut the messages about eth0 and post them to the
list.  That should get us started.


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