So, it works like a champ!  Thanks!!!

JGrasp does use gcc (the kids are writing in C++, so they're really
using g++).  I shouldn't have used the word crash.  To be more precise,
they are doing a merge sort of two sorted files into a third, sorted
file.  Each file contains records of financial transactions.  They have
written overloaded stream insertion, stream extraction and comparison
operators to complete the task.  When they read in the records they are
read correctly, but when written out to the file, the text is
corrupted.  When the programs are compiled on the Windows side (same
source, just using CodeWarrior for Windows) the output files are
correct.  That's why I thought the encoding error might be linked to the

Also, what is env?  I looked at the man pages and the info pages as
well.  I figured out that using env to invoke jgrasp with LANG=C is
changing one of the environment variables, but I don't understand what C
means in this case and I don't under stand what 'en_US.UTF-8' means
either.  Does that imply that the 'default character encoding' is
english and uni-code, two byte representation?

Where can I go to learn more about all of this?

On Sat, 2002-10-26 at 13:35, Gordon Messmer wrote:
> On Fri, 2002-10-25 at 20:31, Steve Strong wrote:
> ...
> > warns them that "the default character encoding is more that one byte or
> > is not one to one" and then it goes on to warn them that i/o may not
> > behave correctly in C++ programs.  Imagine their consternation when they
> > found out that their programs that read and write text files crash on
> > 8.0 and run on <cough> windows.
> Is jGRASP using the system's gcc (3.2)?  It seems odd that it would
> produce code that crashes, when all of the binaries that Red Hat has
> produced with that compiler work.
> > Anyone know what's going on, and if it's what I think it is, how can I
> > set the default character encoding to standard ASCII?
> env LANG=C /path/to/jGRASP
> -- 
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Steve Strong
2906 Chippewa Trail NE
Cedar Rapids, IA        52411-7714
telephone: 319-378-8785
Steve Strong
Computer Science Teacher
Washington High School
2205 Forest Dr. SE
Cedar Rapids, IA        52403
telephone: 319-398-2161

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