I am trying to verify a copy of a purchased RHL 7.3 cd set. 

I burned the first cd and it appears to work (boots up ok anyway) but I
can't seem to verify the md5 sum and get a number I have any where elase
so I am assuming that there is a problem.  If I try to verify the
origianl disk against the iso checksum from the redhat site I don't get
the same number either. 

what am I doing wrong? 

the script that I am using to make the copy is :


# Copy a data CD directly from one drive to another.
# used on compaq2
WRITER=1,4,0   #scsi cdrom. run cdrecord -scanbus if this is not correct

cdrecord -isosize  -v dev=$WRITER speed=$SPEED $READER

the command I am running to calculate the md5sum is :

dd if=/dev/cdrom bs=2048 count=329956 | md5sum

not sure where I got the count.  I found the reference in the archives.

is there some magic to md5suming cds?

diff -r /mnt/cdrom /mnt/cdrw returns nothing after about 10 minutes or
so.  I am assumming that the copies are actually OK.  Just wondering
about the cds



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