I have insert a hot-swapable drive into a Compaq Proliant 1600 server
running a Array 221 controller. I find myself not knowing how to
initialize this disk. Was thinking I could use fdisk but it complains
that it could not open /dev/ida/c0d3.  Here is the current layout.
Does one make the file system first then use fdisk?

Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/ida/c0d0p2        4803008    326348   4232676   8% /
/dev/ida/c0d0p1         197562     13372    173990   8% /boot
/dev/ida/c0d2p2        7987576   2425992   5155828  32% /home
none                    257216         0    257216   0% /dev/shm
/dev/ida/c0d1p1       12461488   1495600  10332880  13% /usr

My goal was to initialize this disk (18Gig) using the XFS file system
and move /home to this drive. Question two) how/where does one get the
XFS file system? Will google that one for sure!

Roger Schmeits
System Analyst
Clarkson College
Omaha, NE USA
1-800-647-5500 x22542

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