On Wed, 30 Oct 2002, David Kramer wrote:

> I might be wrong here, and please accept my apologies if I am, but the
> only reason I can thing of wanting to remove root's history without
> logging out and logging back in is if you found someone else's root
> login open, and you want to do bad things and wipe your tracks, and you

Oh, I can think of some legitimate reasons, none of which probably apply
in this case. For example, if you are on a system with multiple admins
with root access, and you futzed a command and ended up with a password in
the history file, that might be a good reason to clear the history buffer.

The gene pool is reasonably self-cleansing, so I say "let knowledge be
free." It's what people *do* with it that causes problems, not the 
knowledge itself.

Who knows? It might teach the sysadmin and/or the people who hired him 
that InfoSec shouldn't be an afterthought. As I said, knowledge is good. 

"The only thing that helps me maintain my slender grip on reality is the
friendship I share with my collection of singing potatoes."

                        - Holly, JMC Vessel *Red Dwarf*

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