linux power wrote:
Why are more ports open when I scan the ports as root rather than as user?
This is interesting, I am not sure. I tested this on my RH 8 machine and could not duplicate your results. My first guess was that a non-root user would not see the listening sockets on ports less than 1024, but this is not the case for my Red Hat 7.x and 8.0 systems.

And why are more ports closed when I scan the ip rather then the wan card ip?
This would probably be because some of the services are coded to not listen on the loopback interface for whatever reason. Other services like samba and named can be configured to only listen on the interfaces you specify. Lastly, a well written app might do some validity checking on the routing table and disable its listener on any interfaces with suspect routes. (this would more than likely be an older legacy application)

Not sure if these cases might be your problem, but a couple of ideas.


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