> -----Original Message-----
> From: RH 
> Subject: Sendmail problem ?
> Hello,
> I run Rh 7.1.
> When I do sendmail -v, I get the following 
> Warning: .cf file is out of date: sendmail 8.11.2 supports
> version 9, .cf file is version 8 

Like the warning says -- your current sendmail.cf is out of date (probably
created against a cf tree for 8.8.x).  

> Recipient names must be specified 

The above is just a warning and is to be expected since you did not specify
a recipient.

> What does it mean, and what shall I do, to have sendmail
> working normally. 

To fix the sendmail.cf problem: You will need to find your current redhat
supplied sendmail.mc file (probably located in /usr/share/sendmail-cf) and
create a new sedmail.cf file against an 8.11.x cf tree using m4: Ex:

m4 path_to_sendmail-cf/cf/sendmail.mc >/etc/sendmail.cf.new
cp /etc/sendmail.cf /etc/sendmail.cf.orig
cp /etc/sendmail.new /etc/sendmail.cf

Note: sendmail-cf is an rpm. Also, the latest release of sendmail is 8.12.6.
Seriously consider upgrading.
Steve Cowles

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