The reason this happened is because Redhat decided not to ship any mp3
decoding software in RH 8.0

If you go to you will be able to download an update
that will allow you to play mp3's

Hope this helps

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:redhat-list-admin@;]
On Behalf Of Joćo Pedro
Sent: Saturday, November 09, 2002 4:21 PM
Subject: xmms not playing in RH8 ?

I just installed RH8 ( twice ) and have used various previous versions 
before, without this problem :

-when an mp3 file ( this is the format I tried but I believe anyone will

do the same ) is opened with Konqueror in KDE a sygfault occurs . -when
the same file (any mp3 file, for that matter) is opened with xmms 
( or opened in Nautilus  with Gnome, wich does the same) the selected 
file (or files) doesn't appear in the player .

Has anyone run into this situation?

P.S. : Didn't try to install all the packages, yet, but already Gnome 
and KDE just to be shure ...

Thanks !

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