Hello list,

I´m having seriour problem with a RedHat 7.3. I´ve
installed it in a server with 1.0Gb of RAM with
1.6HbMhz AMB XP and I´m using as a Webserver (Apache),
PDC (Samba 2.2.3), Proxy (Squid) and FTP server.

There is no problem running all these services since
the load on the machine is very low (I never saw the
server using SWAP memory partition). The problem
occurs when I try to upload huge files (about 700Mbs)
to the FTP server. The uploaded file is allways
corrupted. I´ve tested several times with MD5SUM to
check the files before uploading and after.

In the begining I´ve thougth that would be the FTP
server (I was using VSFTPD) and change it for Wu-FTPD.
Same problem.

I don´t have the sligthest idea what is happening to
the server. I´m using ext3 filesystem and the only
thing I´ve noticed is that the server writes fewer
times to the disk when I´m uploading the huge file,
comparing to the old server, that have just 256MB of
memory, that writes several times until finish the

I´ve never experienced this kind of problem, and this
is getting me very confused. Please, anybody could
help me?


Alceu Rodrigues de Freitas Junior
Hell is empty and all the devils are here.
                -- Wm. Shakespeare, "The Tempest"

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