On Mon, 11 Nov 2002, K Hargraves wrote:
> does anyone know where
> i     an (error) log file is written to ?


> ii    what would cause SquirrelMail to report such an error
>       after the login and password challenge ?
>               There was an error contacting the mail server.
>               Contact your administrator for help.
> As far as I can ascertain everthing seems to be setup ok

Squirrelmail only uses IMAP.

So if your user id on "webserver" is "jon" and the password is "jones",
and your user id on "mailserver" is "sam" and the password is "smith",
then use your MAILserver password on Squirrelmail, NOT the id you use to
logon to webserver.

Secondly, try a test using fetchmail:

create a file called .fetchmailrc on your linux system, in your home
directory, lookins gsomething like this:
poll mailserver proto imap user "sam" password "smith" keep

do a "chmod 700 ~/.fetchmailrc"
then, try a "fetchmail -v -c"

and see what happens. When fetchmail works, squirrelmail should work too.
(They both use IMAP).

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