I'm trying to upgrade my 6.2 server.  What I really want is a current
kernel (I'm running 2.2.14.)

Right now I'm in the Linux (or at least Red Hat) version of 'DLL-Hell'.  I
gues we'd call it 'RPM-Hell'.

The server currently has rpm 3.0.4.  Most of the RPMs on the updates site
require RPM 4 or above.  

I try to install rpm-4.0.2-6x.i386.rpm and I get a failed dependency. 
Need libdb-3.1 or higher.  That's in glibc.  

Try to install glibc-2.1.3-28.i386.rpm.  Failed dependency.  Need rpm
4.0.1 or higher.

I think you can see where this is going.

Try to install glibc and rpm in the same command line:

rpm -Uvh glibc*.rpm rpm*.rpm

Server goes away.  No response to ssh from any other machine.  No response
to anything.  Power cycle.

I can download a vanilla kernel from kernel.org and build it by hand.  But
it's still not going to solve the rpm version problem. 

Does anyone have an idea how to bring the RPM version on this machine up
to a point where I can use rpms from update.redhat.com?

Steve Garcia   using MR/2 ICE #10133 with Warp 4  
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