I'd try commenting out the 'restrict' on both machines, then
restart ntpd.

11/12/2002 at 10:05 AM,
   christopher j bottaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

>ok, here's the situation.  two computers on my lan: criticalsection and 
>semaphore.  well, there are actually more, but once i get these two
>working,  i can get the rest working.  criticalsection syncs to external

>[root@criticalsection root]# ntpq -p
>     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset 
> ns1.utexas.edu  time.ots.utexas  2 u   35   64    3    9.510    4.360  
> ns2.utexas.edu  time.ots.utexas  2 u   25   64    3   18.788    8.924  
> ntp.tacc.utexas time.ots.utexas  2 u   24   64    3   18.308    8.761  
> ntp3.tamu.edu   ntp1.tamu.edu    2 u   27   64    1   89.796   14.424  
> fnbhs.com       time-B.timefreq  2 u   33   64    3  345.933  -33.896
>110.892 [root@criticalsection root]#

>now the problem is getting semaphore to sync to criticalsection.

>[root@semaphore root]# ntpq -p
>     remote           refid      st t when poll reach   delay   offset 
> criticalsection         16 u    -   64    0    0.000    0.000
>4000.00 [root@semaphore root]#

>iptables is turned off on both computers since i'm behind a hardware

>here is the ntp.conf for criticalsection:
>[root@criticalsection root]# cat /etc/ntp.conf

>server  ntp1.utexas.edu
>server  ntp2.utexas.edu
>server  ntp.cc.utexas.edu
>server  ntppub.tamu.edu
>server  ntp.fnbhs.com

>driftfile /etc/ntp/drift
>broadcastdelay  0.008

>authenticate no
>[root@criticalsection root]#

>here is the ntp.conf for semaphore:
>[root@semaphore root]# cat /etc/ntp.conf
>restrict default ignore


>driftfile /etc/ntp/drift
>broadcastdelay  0.008

>authenticate no
>[root@semaphore root]#

>thanks so much for the help, this problem has been plagueing me for a
>long  time!

>-- christopher

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