On Wed, 13 Nov 2002, Clifton Best wrote:
>       I am running RH 8.0 with the standard version of apache that is
> shipped with it. When I attempt to view test page from another computer,
> apache never serves up the page. But when I view the test page from the
> box with both lynx and mozilla, it works fine. I initially thought that it
> may be a firewall issue assuming that the firewall was acceptin
> connections from and not outside host's but I have ensured that
> port 80 is open and available for connections. In checking the apache
> error log I found the errors listed below. It would appear that apache is
> not spawning threads to handle connections. Does anyone know why this
> might happen or how to correctit. I appreciate any help that you can
> provide.
> tail error_log
> [Wed Nov 13 14:10:38 2002] [error] [client] Directory index
> forbidden by rule: /var/www/html/

MAKE SURE you can telnet to port 80 from this other box!

Also, does /var/www/html/index.html exist with 644 permissions?

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