I had a simmelar problem with ftp.
I solved it by adding a host entry of the ftp client machine into the 
/etc/hosts file of the machine running the ftp server.  You could also 
look at your resolv.conf files of both machines.  If the dns that is 
specified there is unreachable,
one also get delays like you describe.  For testing you might try
with a resolv.conf on both just containing
hth Willem

On Wed, 13 Nov 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Hi,
> I have two machines that use ftp for file exchange.
> If Machine1 does ftp Machine2
> I get connected to Machine2 (ipaddress)
> then it waits several minutes before it says what version of ftp
> and asks for a login. However if Machine2 does ftp Machine1
> I get connected to Machine1(ipaddress) and a login prompt immediately.
> Now if Machine1 does telnet Machine2 It connects immediately and
> asks for a login However if Machine 2 does telnet Machine1
> It takes several minutes however if Machine 2 does telnet 
> Machine 1's Ip address instant connection. 
> The two problems may be seperate but I suspect they are related.
> the hosts  host.conf, hosts.allow, hosts.deny seem to be identical.
> I also have a auto switchbox to share the printer so both print
> to their parrellel ports. I wanted to have the option of using
> a different printer so I setup LPRng with Machine2 as a print
> server for a hp laserjet IIIsi printer thinking I would use
> Machine1 to serve as print server for a colored printer. It
> took litterally 20 minutes for the job to print, so I went
> back to the switch box. The whole thing is driving me nuts.
> Does anyone have suggestion on how I can figure out what is
> wrong? 
>                  Thanks
>                  Linda Hanigan

Willem van der Walt
Information Services Directorate
Department of Health
South Africa
tel: 27 12 3120700

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