You've got the wrong X-Spam flag, there.

It should be "X-Spam Status: YES"

Additionally, try "^Subject.*" instead of "^Subject: *".

On 17 Nov 2002, Brad Alpert wrote:

> I'm running RH 8.0 with the default installation of procmail.  I have it
> set up as completely as seems necessary, but it will not flag and then
> act upon messages which I think ought to be tagged.
> I'm sure I've made a dumb configuration error somewhere, but can't find
> it.
> None of my header or subject rules will fire.  I made a rule for "Test"
> in the subject line, sent an email with that subject line, and procmail
> won't recognize the hit.
> Here's a relevant log entry, followed by my .procmailrc:
> LOG:
> procmail: [30384] Sun Nov 17 09:42:53 2002
> procmail: Match on "< 256000"
> procmail: Executing "spamassassin"
> procmail: [30384] Sun Nov 17 09:42:56 2002
> procmail: No match on "^X-Spam-Flag: YES"
> procmail: No match on "^Subject: *Test"
> procmail: No match on "^From.*"
> procmail: No match on "^Subject: .*out of (the )?office"
> procmail: Assigning "DROPPRIVS=yes"
> procmail: Assuming identity of the recipient, VERBOSE=off
>   Folder: /var/spool/mail/balpert
> PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin
> SENDMAIL=/usr/sbin/sendmail
> LOGFILE=/var/log/procmail
> :0fw
> * < 256000
> | spamassassin
> :0H
> * ^X-Spam-Flag: YES
> $HOME/spam
> :0
> * ^Subject: *Test
> $HOME/spam
> # Delete mail from
> :0
> * ^From.*
> /dev/null
> :0
> * ^Subject: .*out of (the )?office
> $HOME/spam
> Any help appreciated!
> Thanks/Brad

Mike Burger

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