On Sat, 2002-11-23 at 06:16, Will Phipps wrote:
> I had xinetd setup to startup at boot time with RH 8.0.  I changed some
> configs around to get imap and sendmail to work and now xinetd doesn't
> startup at boot time.  I am booting up in runlevel 5.  Is there a reason
> why the gui services tool won't allow me to save after checking xinetd
> to start at boot?
> Also, if I am running a web/mail server, do I need to be in runlevel 3
> instead of runlevel 5?  Or, does it matter?

do chkconfig --list xinetd
If it is off in Level 5 do
chkconfig --level 2345 xinetd on

All runlevel 5 does is select different programmes to run.
Specifically XFree86, on tty7
Everything Linux is still underneath.


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