Title: Question Raid 1 On redhat 8

        I'm trying to setup mirroring (Raid 1) on 2 IDE disks on a PC, with 128 mb, and RH8. I created 2 software raid partitions, one on each disk, then create a Raid Device (raid 1) conteining the software raid partitions, /dev/md0, and so on for each partition that I want to have in Raid 1, and I finished the installation.

        Now. If I do a # df -k the output is
FileSystem              1k Blocks               Used                    Available               Use %           Mounted On     

/dev/md0                1000000                 512204                  444492  54 %                    /
/dev/md1                 706320          31312                  639128   5 %                    /data
/dev/md2                 200000          3150                   196850       2 %                        /swap
        The OS looks good, but my Raid is not working ok, If I disconnect one Ide Drive the pc is not able to boot. the machins only boots with the master drive. Not with the secundary-slave drive if this is connected as Master.

        What am I doing wrong ?

        Any pontiers would be thankfully

Euriel Gómez.

The partition is as follows.

Device                  Size            Type            Mount Point
/dev/md0                        1000M           ext3            /
/dev/md1                         700M           ext3            /data
/dev/md2                         200M           ext3            /Swap

Thanks for your help.

Euriel Gómez.

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