
I automount my home directory, e.g. from /export/home/xx I see my home
as /home/xx

Now when I start certain gnome apps in my home directory /home/xx, e.g.
galeon, they seem to search for pixmaps/png files in several places, one
of which is ../, i.e. /home/.

for example strace gives for one

1707 stat64("../dir_open.png", 0xbffff610)   = -1 ENOENT (No such file
or directory)

which means that automount is trying to mount files that don't exist
when certain gnome apps start, e.g. lines like this appear in the syslog

Nov 29 20:19:19 ojuelaite automount[2001]: lookup(file): lookup for
smart-bm-unfold.png failed

 Is this normal?



Dr. David Holden. (Systems Developer)
check-out : crystallography journals online <http://journals.iucr.org>

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