To set the current time without using ntpd you can do this:

<ntpdate "insert your favorite time server here">
example: ntpdate

Then to save that into your bios clock you need to do this:
<hwclock --systohc>

That will save it to bios so your time will be correct after rebooting.

On Fri, 2002-12-06 at 09:25, Darryl Darling wrote:
> Hello,
> Anybody know what I have to do to get my system time to stay set.  I 
> setup my system time to use a time server but determined that it was not 
> practicle for use on my laptop.  Ever since I have stopped using the 
> time server settting I cannot keep accurate time on my system.  I set it 
> and when I reboot the settings are not the same.  Each time I reboot I 
> get a different system time.  
> Thanks
> Darryl

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