
        I agree, and after a test that the passwd utility does indeed change
the password the only question is that it encodes it as a {CRYPT} and I
want to use MD5 as my hashing scheme, how would one do it unless we had
to write a script that would actually do it that way. The ldappassword
utility does the change in SSHA not my choice of hash scheme.

        Lest I re-invent the wheel let me know if there is a better way to do
the above ! Thanks



On Thu, 2002-12-05 at 13:34, Gordon Messmer wrote:
> On Wed, 2002-12-04 at 23:31, Aly S.P Dharshi wrote:
> >     I don't know if the passwd program is the solution I frankly don't know
> > if it would work although its worth a try, instead this works pretty
> > well.
> > 
> > ldappasswd -s <newpassword> -D
> > "uid=<loginname>,ou=People,dc=subdomain,dc=domain,dc=ca"
> > -w <oldpassword> -x -h <your ldap server if not localhost>
> ...
> > need some too for the users maybe someone can write one in say C when
> > they have time (hint hint) :=)
> Why?  PAM's *JOB* is to handle varied authentication back-ends
> appropriately, without specific code for each one.  That's the whole
> reason it exists.  You're suggesting that users ignore PAM, and stick
> with the "bad old days" when interfaces weren't shared.
> "passwd" remains the correct answer.  Users should never have to care
> where their passwords are stored in order to set them correctly.
> -- 
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 Aly S.P Dharshi
 Student and System Administrator ORS Servers

      "A good speech is like a good dress
    that's short enough to be interesting
    and long enough to cover the subject"

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