The battery light on my UPS is on now all the time. It's fairly old and
I think it's time I got rid of it.

First, where do I go to throw out a UPS? I can't imagine it's good to
just chuck it out with the garbage... I would think it needs recycling
or containment or something.

Secondly, can anyone suggest a (cheap) UPS that will work with RedHat
8.0 relatively painlessly? I really only just need this to shutdown
gracefully when appropriate (so I don't need it to power my monitor or
speakers or any extra crap either). Otherwise, I really don't care about
any bells and whistles, unless they're free. I don't want to have to
make a custom cable or anything funky either. I want to be able to
purchase the parts, plug them in, run some .rpm or or
something and be good to go.

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