On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 04:01:11PM -0500, rahul b jain cs student wrote:

> hi,
> I was looking out for a s/w that can open all the microsoft office
> application files like word, powerpoints, excel etc. At the moment I have
> Kword etc, but they dont work well and most of the times the files wont
> open.
> Are there any suggestion for a s/w ?

Have you tried OpenOffice? Check it out at http://www.openoffice.org/.
I've had quite good results with it, to the extent I'm using it to write
my degree thesis now. Since it deals with Open Source technology on the
desktop, I figured I had to write it woth Open source software.  :)

Still, if you are looking for "complete" MS Office compatibility, you
will eventually find some document which does not open quite right. If
(when) this happens, my suggestion is to ask whoever sent you the
document to resend it in a more compatible format, such as RTF, PDF or
HTML. You will find most people are quite willing to cooperate on this
type of issue, specially if approached properly. Try to make a point
that it's good for them to send documents in open formats instead of
propietary formats. Check this page at the FSF for more info on the
subject http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/no-word-attachments.html.

Javier Gostling                        Av. Kennedy 5757, of. 1502
Ingeniero de Sistemas                  Las Condes, Santiago, Chile
Virtualia S.A.                         Fono: +56 (2) 202-6264 x 130
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 Fax:  +56 (2) 342-8763

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