Okay, I am using apache with mod_ssl. I thought there was a way to force ssl 
on a directory so that is someone went to servername.com/webmail for 
instance, the directory that refered to would force https no?


---------- Original Message -----------
From: "nate" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wed, 11 Dec 2002 16:14:21 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Fw: SSL on a directory

> Joe Polk said:
> >
> > Question:
> > I have a webmail app that's written in perl and I want to secure that
> > entire  directory with SSL so that when a user goes to check their webmail
> > it will  require SSL. What is the best approach? I am fine with a gen'd
> > cert, as I  don't have the traffic to warrant purchasing one. Any ideas?
> I use apache-ssl, but you can use anything else theres 
> apache+mod_ssl, as well as several commerical packages that support 
> ssl. the apache-ssl homepage(www.apache-ssl.org) has an easy to 
> follow guide on how to generate your own cert(the cert is compadible 
> with many different uses including apache+mod_ssl, stunnel, openldap 
> etc). I also use normal apache, and redirect the non-ssl version to 
> the ssl version
> e.g. take my webmail site, webmail.linuxpowered.net, my apache
> config:
> <VirtualHost>
> ServerName webmail.linuxpowered.net
> ServerAlias webmail
> RedirectMatch (.*)\.*$  https://webmail.linuxpowered.net
> ErrorDocument 404 http://portal.aphroland.org/errors/404/
> </VirtualHost>
> and my apache-ssl config:
> <VirtualHost>
> SSLEnable
> SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache-ssl/portal.pem
> ServerName webmail.linuxpowered.net
> DocumentRoot /nfs2/home/squirrel/public_html
> </VirtualHost>
> so if someone goes to webmail.linuxpowered.net they are transparently
> redirected to the same site but using SSL. You can do this with 1
> copy of apache-ssl, rather then running seperate daemons but I prefer
> just running both, and besides I'm using mod_php on apache-ssl which
> adds quite a memory footprint to it, not using it under normal apache
> so it is faster for normal requests.
> this particular server runs debian, not redhat but the configuration
> is fully compadible. I use this sort of setup for many many things
> including mailman configuration, ldapexplorer, eZpublish(CMS) to
> name a few, auto redirect http to https
> nate
> -- 
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