On Thu, 2002-12-12 at 08:48, CM Miller wrote:
> I want to set up two cron jobs so I don't have to do
> it myself. 
> But, according to my logs, they are not running.
> Please tell me what I am doing wrong. 
> #This one runs updatedb everyday and is under
> cron.daily
> 0 2 * * * updatedb 
> #This one delets all temp files in Mozilla on a daily
> basis and is under cron.daily 
> 30 2 * * * find
> /home/CMMiller/.mozilla/CMMiller/7b33ywz8.slt/Cache/
> -mindepth 1 -exec rm -rf {} \;
to get the scripts to run under cron.daily, you don't get to specify
when they run except via /etc/crontab

runparts will buzz the cron.daily directory at the time specified in
/etc/crontab and attempt to run all files located in cron.daily.

simply place your commands in an executable file in cron.daily.


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