On Wed, 2002-12-11 at 03:12, greg wrote:
> Hi,
> I can't play music cds on my computer under RH8.  The Red Hat
> documentation points you towards a program in menu/sound&video/CD
> Player, but this is not in my menu.  I installed the complete package
> (everything), so it should be there really.  When I open up other
> programs to play the CD, such as KsCD, it starts to play (counter
> working) and the CD drive is working, but no sound.  In the KsCD
> program, I get a message No matching feedb entry found.
> How do I play music cd's please.
> thanks Greg

Make sure that you have the audio cable on your CD-drive attached to the
sound card.  And make sure that your speakers are turned on and the
volume is turned up.  Also find the application in the start menu called
Kmixer or whatever it is that lets you adjust the "soft" volume controll
for your soundcard and make sure it is turned up.

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