On Mon, 2002-12-16 at 07:34, Edward Dekkers wrote:
> Have you tried not running so much and/or burning from a VT instead of X (no
> X loaded at all I mean)?

In one word, no.

I have installed RH7.3 completely and I use Red Carpet to keep all those
packages up-to-date but there are a lot of packages of which I don't
know if I really need them.

I have tried to reduce the number of services I have running as much as
possible but I'm afraid there will still be programs running that I
don't really need.

Any suggestions (other than rpm -e and hoping things won't break) on how
to reduce the load of my system?  I especially find Gnome quit heavy on
system resources but I like it's interface better than KDE's so I'm
still sticking with it.

I am going to try and burn some CDs with cdrecord without the xcdroast
GUI but it was already too late for that yesterday: the drive was
already locked up.

Good news though: I shut down my computer last night and this morning
everything seems to be OK, the drive was recognised again the CD ejected
without a problem.  Unfortunately the disc is useless, but at least my
system's OK again...

Thanks for the suggestions
 #  Mertens Bram "M8ram"  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Linux User #249103  #
 #  Red Hat Linux 7.3  KDE 3.0.0-10  kernel 2.4.18-3  i686  128MB RAM  #
 #  12:10pm up 2:14, 1 user, load average: 0.95, 0.54, 0.34 #

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